Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Not A Moose Hunt!

Is there anyone that thinks that in this volatile climate this is even remotely appropriate?

Just Sarah Palin. Here is her “hit list” of politicians who need to be voted out of office.

First it's Emerson out encouraging the over-zealous protestors who spit on Congresspersons, and now it's Sarah Palin, with her violent gun-rhetoric.  But then, what do we expect from the party who still thinks it's ok to burn women at the stake?


  1. "the party who still thinks it's ok to burn women at the stake?"

    elaborate please

  2. You'll have to be a little more specific. What picture?

  3. This is irresponsible behavior due to the fact that most of Palin's supporters(who are obviously stupid enough) will look at this as a que to declare open season on politicians they don't like.

  4. It couldn't be a Moose hunt. Mooseolini is the hunter.

  5. It's totally irresponsible, CDM. And she couldn't care less.
